Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Red Shoe Prints

There is nothing quite like a trip to Lowes, in fact it is more like a mission. It is one of those moments in a man's life that is definable, focused, task oriented and finite [as opposed to going on forever like shopping]. It is, like I said, a mission. There is none of that exploring,comparing or even deciding. Heaven forbid any man would ever be caught deciding in a store. You do that kind of detail work long before you pull out of your driveway!

On a recent mission to Lowes I was deeply embedded in the manly thought process that allows you to focus on one thing and block out every other noise on the planet. Not knowing exactly where I was headed, signage was of the up most importantance. I was not lost so there was no need to stop for directions. That's what signs are for. However, the one sign I did not see was the one that said "wet paint" or at least was designated as wet paint or "stay off this spot on the floor". Who would put two yellow cones at knee length when a man on a mission is looking up for critical information? There are many strange animals on this planet of ours but I don't think even any of those have eyes in their knees.

Do you know how totally impossible it is to disguise the fact that you are the one who just walked through the fresh, not even close to being dry, red paint. You could run for the front door but your tracks would follow you. You could take your shoes off and carry them in your hands but then again that would seem a little strange at a Lowes store. This is where men are on finite mission!

As a follower of Jesus I would like to think that somehow my feet have found their way through the crimson stain that was left at Calvary. I would like to think that wherever I go I leave some of that red footprint behind me. That should be the definable, focused, task oriented and finite mission of a man. What do you think?

1 comment:

fluffybug said...

To quote Paul in Romans 10:15 (who was actually quoting Isaiah 52:7) 'how beautiful are the feet of those who bring glad tidings of good things'. I will read these verses and now always think of this great application. Thank you for bringing Jesus to me, His footprints through you his vessel nurture my soul.